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Secret Sound 2025

1075 KZL has teamed up with Go Green Plumbing Heating Air and Electrical for Secret Sound

Listen to 1075 KZL at 8:05am, 11:05am, 4:05pm, and 7:05pm for your cue to call and guess the Secret Sound!

Maryna From High Point Won $1900 Secret Sound #1. Click Here To See!


Secret Sound #2


Past Guesses

Coming Soon…

At 11:05AM on March 12th, Mike from High Point guessed an electric stapler. The jackpot is now $1,100 at 4:05PM!

At 8:05AM on March 12th, Alicia from Winston-Salem guessed velcro being ripped apart. The jackpot is now $1,000 at 11:05AM!

At 7:05PM on March 11th, Sari from Eden guessed ripping duct tape. The jackpot is now $900 at 8:05AM!

At 4:05PM on March 11th, Jose from Winston-Salem guessed a using an electric bug killer. The jackpot is now $800 at 7:05PM!

At 11:05AM on March 11th, Allie from Thomasville guessed a nail gun. The jackpot is now $700 at 4:05PM!

At 8:05AM on March 11th, Sari from Eden guessed opening drink flavoring packet. The jackpot is now $600 at 11:05AM!

At 7:05PM on March 10th, Josh from Greensboro guessed opening a 20oz bottle. The jackpot is now $500 at 8:05AM!

At 4:05PM on March 10th, Kendall from Pilot Mountain guessed using a fly swatter. The jackpot is now $400 at 7:05PM!

At 11:05AM on March 10th, Jenny from Clemmons guessed hitting a key on a typewriter. The jackpot is now $300 at 4:05PM!

At 8:05AM on March 10th, Allie from Lexington guessed ripping paper out of a notebook. The jackpot is now $200 at 11:05AM!

The Promotion is open to all legal residents of the United States who have a valid state or federal issued I.D. at the time of entry and who live within the station’s (WKZL) signal listening area in the following counties of North Carolina and Virginia. The WKZL Listening Area consists of the counties of Alexander, Alamance, Alleghany, Ashe, Caldwell, Caswell, Cabarrus, Catawba, Chatham, Cumberland, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Granville, Guilford, Iredell, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Orange, Person, Randolph, Rockingham, Rowan, Stokes, Surry, Stanly, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin in North Carolina and Carroll, Danville, Franklin, Galax, Grayson, Henry, Martinsville, Patrick and Pittsylvania Counties in Virginia.