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Katie asked her husband Ben to bag and tag items for an upcoming consignment sale and something he did might her get banned from the committee!


Official Attorney Lisa Lanier breaks down the possible charges and how much time he could spend in prison if convicted!


Describes what it was like to work for him in Greensboro years ago


Former high school classmate of Trump's would be assassin and a someone whose sister was Routh's daughters best friends and their impressions of Routh


A woman shares a crazy thing her best friend did that almost wrongfully sent her to jail!


Jared and Katie in the Morning's Judge My Grudge! Lady called in about a friend naming her baby a name she had already told her was her favorite!


Shannon Sharpe and Ochocinco attempted to make Jason Goodman feel better about being an under 4 minute man and it sparked the question is it better to be under or over 4 minutes in the bedroom?


From tubs filled with gourmet water to burnt toast and everything in between! Jared and Katie share the secret odd requests from hotel patrons!


2 assassination attempt in 9 weeks of former President Trump and the Greensboro, NC ties of the would be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh.


Jared and Katie in the Morning's Judge Your Grudge where you share your grudge and the show judges whether the grudge is valid or not!

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