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War Of The Roses

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Someone had the AUDACITY to ghost Billie Eilish!! Stay tuned to find out more……
You will NOT believe the top-rated sexual fetish according to Jared and Katie!!…
A man by the Instagram name “Acid Farts” was banned from The Sphere in Las Vegas after posting pictures…
A man by the Instagram name “Acid Farts” was banned from The Sphere in Las Vegas after posting pictures…
In this War of the Roses call, Justin the AML thinks his girlfriend might be cheating after receiving a…
They both had a fat stage due to stupidity!…
Celion Dion has recently come out about the incurable illness she’s been diagnosed with, stiff-person syndrome….
Who do you think made the list???…
Or any man’s coffee table!…
It was just National Donut Day last week so Jared and Katie wanted to know, where is the best…
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